Forest Treasure


The Birth of Forest Treasure- A Story of Inspiration and Pride

Even though our team and founders have been working (and practising) in the fields of aromatherapy, yoga and ayurveda since childhood, the official establishment of Forest Treasure happened in 2016 to provide the best grade of essential oil in the domestic market. Initially, our company had focused on offering oils to international aromatherapist professionals, and we found it very difficult to sell oils in India due to a lack of proper awareness among people.

Many times the company considered stopping offering oils in the Indian market due to poor response and customers asking for cheaper prices without concern about the quality. However, our founders said very clearly “If we do not provide the best grade of oils, then who would provide them? and how will people know that such oils also exist in India? A wrong message will go to society that no one makes pure oils in India, and all come from Western countries. If we can not serve the local Indians with the right intention, then there is no point in serving the people outside India.”

With a strong and deep conviction that “Charity Begins at Home” the company has kept offering more varieties of essential oils in the Indian market. Today we can say that, perhaps we are the only company in India that has survived, maintained and expanded in essential oil solely dedicated to purity, quality and potency.

Philosophy Behind The Logo

All great phenomena and work in this universe happen in deepest silence. In the deepest silence, the essential oil is formed into the plant and remains invisible until the oil is distilled with patience, love, and humbleness. May we all understand the language of the universe i.e. Deep and Sweet Silence, and May we all reach our essence of inner being with the help of all kinds of pure and potent essential oils of our planet. Our Blue Logo of Forest Treasure and Nisarga Farms Organic is based on this deep philosophy Nature works in silence patiently. It is the supreme silence only that is present everywhere internally and externally.


What's in the Name of "Forest Treasure"

The deepest inspiration to humans comes from mother nature and the vast sky.
Forests represent all five elements of our existence. The five elements are air, water, fire, earth and sky. Forest is the base of our human evolution, and we all want to get connected to our roots. Forests have been an essential part of inspiration to all humankind. Today in the digital era whenever we get disconnected from ourselves the best way is either a good sleep or reconnection to Mother Earth. Reconnection to Mother Earth is done in the form of going to mountains, waterfalls, parks, safari or a solitude retreat.

Forest to us symbolises “The way life is without any or least alteration and remains connected to our roots strongly to handle all the situations of life in every stage”.

But all things existing in the forest might not be suitable for all or might be difficult to use, thus might need little human interference without destroying the true nature. Hence the treasure suffix had been added meaning “beneficial to humans and all users”.

What makes Forest Treasure stand out:

1. Uncompromising Quality Assurance:

Gas Chromatography Testing: Rigorous lab testing using imported equipment from Germany ensures the highest quality standards are met. Each batch of oils undergoes meticulous testing, combining both sensory evaluation and scientific analysis.

Prioritizing Human Character: Belief in cultivating the organic character of the team members is fundamental. Forest Treasure recognizes that the character of the distillers significantly impacts the potency and purity of the oils. Hence, maintaining organic, conscientious team traits is a crucial aspect of their production process.

Superior Potency from Kashmir Himalaya: Highlighting the 25-30% increased potency of oils sourced from the Kashmir Himalayas compared to others. Forest Treasure concentrates on distilling oils in the Indian Himalayan region whenever possible for maximum potency.

Collaborative Distillation: Strong partnerships with distillers worldwide enable the production of oils that cannot be sourced from India, maintaining a consistent commitment to quality.

Expertise and Qualifications: Forest Treasure’s team, comprising Aromatherapists, Aroma-Technologists, Ayurveda Aromatherapists, Distillers, and Lab Operators, possesses technical qualifications crucial for selecting the right crops, distilling oils correctly, ensuring proper storage, and following industry-standard packing protocols. Customers are encouraged to engage and inquire about oils, their qualities, and usage, benefiting from the team’s expertise.

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