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Himalaya Cedarwood Essential Oil


Himalaya Cedarwood Essential Oil

Botanical Name : Cedrus deodara, India


Cedarwood tree and its essential oil is a divine cure for numerous ailments like bronchitis, cough, cold, insomnia, osteoarthritis. It has woody, radiant, balsamic odour.

Our Himalaya Cedarwood comes from wild cedar growth in the Himalayas in India. In India it is worshipped as a divine tree. It is a symbol of wisdom and strength.

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Himalaya Cedarwood Essential Oil

Botanical Name : Cedrus deodara, India


Our Himalaya Cedarwood is the premium grade because it comes from wild cedar growth in the Himalayas in India. Its botanical name is derived from the Sanskrit word Devadaru meaning the ‘”wood of the gods”, deva “god” and dāru “wood, tree”. In India it is worshipped as a divine tree. It is a symbol of wisdom and strength. Cedarwood tree and its essential oil is a divine cure for numerous ailments like bronchitis, cough, cold, insomnia, osteoarthritis. It has woody, radiant, balsamic odour.


Size- 10ml / 0.34oz


How to Use Himalaya Cedarwood Essential Oil

  • Skin care: It promotes natural glow of your skin and reduce anti-aging symptoms. Mix 4 drops of Cedarwood oil mixed with 2 ml of Almond oil and massage gently on your skin.
  • Direct Inhalation: Pour few drops on handkerchief or on pillow or on fine tissue paper and inhale deeply to relieve from bronchitis problems.
  • Hair Care: It promotes hair growth and curbs dandruff with its antifungal properties. Blend 3 drops of Cedarwood oil with 3 drops of Jatamansi oil in 5 ml of coconut oil and massage to your scalp.
  • Insect repellent: It is an effective insect repellent. Blend 3 drops of Cedarwood oil with 3 drops of Lavender oil and 2~3 ml of Jojoba oil and apply on the skin for keeping away from the harmful insect bites and stings.
  • In the Diffuser & Burner: Add it to a diffuser or burner with water to create an aromatically pleasing and spiritually effective living space.


Product Details

  • Botanical Name: Himalaya Cedarwood
  • Composition: 100% Pure Himalaya Cedarwood Essential Oil
  • Origin: India
  • Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation
  • Plant Part Used for Extraction: Tree Trunk
  • Color: Yellow
  • Consistency: Mobile
  • Bottle Size: 10ml (0.34oz)


Few Safety Considerations for Himalaya Cedarwood E.O.

  • The above information is not directed to diagnose or substitute any prescribed medication or professional medical advice
  • Do not take Himalaya Cedarwood Essential Oil internally.
  • Do not apply directly on skin as pure essential oils are concentrated liquids and may cause harm if used directly on skin. Use in diluted form.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes or mucus membranes.
  • People who have epilepsy or high blood pressure, pregnant women, infants and children should avoid it.
  • Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
  • Consult your Ayurvedic or Aromatherapy Practitioner before using the suitable essential oils for your unique individual constitution and state of health.



  • Essential oils are volatile. Do not store them near fire or heat.
  • They can be damaged by exposure to heat, oxygen and sunlight. After use, the cap should be securely fastened and the bottle stored in a cool, dry place.
  • Should be kept out of the reach of children.



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