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Immortelle Essential Oil



Botanical Name: Helichrysum italicum



SKU: 0057 Category:



Botanical Name: Helichrysum italicum


How to Use:

  • Immortelle or Everlasting essential oil, also called Helichrysum essential oil is one of the best hidden gems among all the oils with unparalleled healing power for skin as well as emotions. Recently it has become world famous for its profound effect on aging, wrinkled and wounded skin. Highly recommended to make skin restorative serums and tissue healing.
  • Immortelle essential oil is very effective both for therapeutic as well as perfume making.
  • Our Pure Immortelle essential oil is great for emotional healing too. It can be sniffed directly, or used in diffuser and roll-ons.
  • Blends well with Jasmine, Sandalwood and Kashmir Lavender essential oils.



Product Details


  • Extraction : Steam Distillation from Leaves and Flowers
  • Origin : Greece
  • Ingredient : 100% Pure Immortelle Everlasting essential oil only
  • Color: Yellow
  • Consistency:Thin
  • Bottle Size: 5ML / 0.17oz



Few Safety Consideration Immortelle  Essential Oil



The above information is not directed to diagnose or substitute any prescribed          medication or professional medical advice

  • Do not take Essential Oil internally.
  • Do not apply directly on skin as pure essential oils are concentrated liquids and may cause harm if used directly on skin. Use in diluted form.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes or mucus membranes.
  • Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
  • Consult your Ayurvedic or Aromatherapy Practitioner before using the suitable essential oils for your unique individual constitution and state of health.



  • Essential oils are volatile. Do not store them near fire or heat.
  • They can be damaged by exposure to heat, oxygen and sunlight. After use, the cap should be securely fastened and the bottle stored in a cool, dry place.
  • Should be kept out of the reach of children



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