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Pine Essential Oil


Pine Essential Oil


Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris, India


Our Pine essential oil is distilled from the pine cone which  has amazing crisp, clean, fresh and resinous aroma. Its aroma helps to encourage simplicity, receptivity, awareness, and trust. Pine trees are tall evergreen and most well-known coniferous trees in the world.

SKU: 0007 Category:


Pine Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris, India


It has crisp, clean, fresh and resinous aroma. Its aroma helps to encourage simplicity, receptivity, awareness, and trust.

Product Information

Pine Essential Oil

Pinus sylvestris, India


Our Pine essential oil is distilled from the pine cone which has amazing crisp, clean, fresh and resinous aroma. Its aroma helps to encourage simplicity, receptivity, awareness, and trust. Pine trees are tall evergreen and most well-known coniferous trees in the world. Pines have commercial importance for their timber and wood pulp. Pine needles are also used for making decorative articles like baskets, trays, etc. Pines are also commercially grown and harvested for Christmas trees.


Size- 10ml / 0.34oz


How to Use Pine Essential Oil

  • Anti-cold : If having chest congestion, pour few drops on handkerchief or on fine tissue paper and deep inhale the fragrance, it will help to decongest the chest.
  • In the diffuser and burner : Add it to a diffuser or burner with water. It will make you more receptive and conscious.
  • Room Freshener : Place a few drops on a cotton ball and allow it to evaporate in the air, or use in daily household cleaning and use in spray bottles for removing stubborn odors. Pine needle essential oil is natural cleaner on its own.
  • Aromatic Bath : Add 3-4 drops to bath water to enhance overall awareness and relaxation.
  • Other Uses : It can be blended with bergamot oil, grapefruit oil, rosemary oil, sage oil and lavender oil for a soothing massage.


Product Details

  • Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris
  • Composition: 100% Pure Pine Oil
  • Origin: India
  • Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation
  • Plant Part Used for Extraction: Pine Tree Cone
  • Color: Colorless to pale yellow
  • Consistency: Thin
  • Bottle Size: 10ml (0.34oz)


Few Safety Considerations for Pine E.O.

  • The above information is not directed to diagnose or substitute any prescribed medication or professional medical advice
  • Do not take Pine Essential Oil internally.
  • Do not apply directly on skin as pure essential oils are concentrated liquids and may cause harm if used directly on skin. Use in diluted form.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes or mucus membranes
  • People who have epilepsy or high blood pressure, pregnant women, infants and children should avoid it.
  • Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
  • Consult your Ayurvedic or Aromatherapy Practitioner before using the suitable essential oils for your unique individual constitution and state of health.



  • Essential oils are volatile. Do not store them near fire or heat.
  • They can be damaged by exposure to heat, oxygen and sunlight. After use, the cap should be securely fastened and the bottle stored in a cool, dry place.
  • Should be kept out of the reach of children.



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