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Turmeric Kurkuma Essential Oil


Turmeric Kurkuma

Botanical Name :Kurkuma longa

SKU: 0045 Category:


Turmeric Kurkuma

Botanical Name :Kurkuma longa

How to use Turmeric Kurkuma Essential Oil

Turmeric has been used in Indian subcontinent since time immemorial for its amazing healing benefits for skin, immune system and joints. Our specially distilled turmeric essential oil with supercritical CO2 method is highly potent and powerful with very high curcumin content, and recommend to use it less in recipes. The anti-ageing property of turmeric essential oil makes it ideal for many herbal formulations.

  • Turmeric essential oil a good digestive support.  It can be blended with other digestive oils like ginger, peppermint, coriander to support healthy digestion.
  • Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties helps sore muscles and joints. Can be used in massage or in pain relief oil.
  • Add several drops to bath water to boost strength to the body’s vitality in times of sickness or upset.
  • It can be used to make natural soaps and herbal care formulations


Product Details

  • Extraction : CO2
  • Origin : India
  • Ingredient : Turmeric Rhizomes
  • Color: Pale Yellowish
  • Consistency: thin
  • Bottle Size: 5ML / 0.17 oz



Few Safety Considerations for Turmeric Kurkuma Essential Oil



The above information is not directed to diagnose or substitute any prescribed  medication or professional medical advice

  • Do not take Turmeric Kurkuma  Essential Oil internally.
  • Do not apply directly on skin as pure essential oils are concentrated liquids and may cause harm if used directly on skin. Use in diluted form.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes or mucus membranes.
  • Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
  • Consult your Ayurvedic or Aromatherapy Practitioner before using the suitable essential oils for your unique individual constitution and state of health.



  • Essential oils are volatile. Do not store them near fire or heat.
  • They can be damaged by exposure to heat, oxygen and sunlight. After use, the cap should be securely fastened and the bottle stored in a cool, dry place.
  • Should be kept out of the reach of children



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